Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog Assignment #8

I think that there is a huge privacy problem online but I also am under the impression that not many people really care enough to do anything about it. Take Facebook or pretty much anything online that you need to agree to the terms and conditions for. I recently downloaded the new version of Itunes and the very first thing you must do is agree to their terms and conditions. Obviously I am not going to read through the pages and pages of terms and so I really have no clue what I am agreeing to. But it is necessary to agree in order to use their service. You do have the option to not agree but then you do not get to use Itunes. So I am giving up my privacy rights because apple has hooked me with their product.

It is the same with Facebook but this is were most of my concern comes from. After our class on Privacy issues and talked about Facebook, I went home and checked my settings. Before they changed their policy, I had all of my settings set to friends only so that no one else could view my information. Apparently Facebook thought it was appropriate to circumvent my wishes so that all could see my info. Needless to say they got a very long pissed off e-mail to their support which they will probably trash without reading.

It is a concern that almost every where you go, you are probably being tracked but I don't see what we can really do about it. Sure we could protest or stop using certain products or services but there will never be enough people to agree with the cause to put a dent in any businesses. The government and companies will get what they want because if they don't they can just create law that will allow them to just like what the Patriot Act did for our government. So no matter what you do, you will always have big brother watching over our shoulders. 

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