Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog Assignment #3

I believe that in my experience with my family, I would use the displacement theory to talk about how television affects my family. I have very few free moments in my day between full-time school and work and we I do get a free chance at home, it is usually spent watching tv. The theory says that participation in one communication domain takes away from others and would be definitely say that watching tv takes away from interpersonal communication within my family.

When I am home on the weekends, my family and I communicate occasionally but most of that is disrupted with what is on the tv. We are constantly around it and it pretty much is the center piece of our entertainment. Don't get me wrong, it also brings us together because we would all probably be in separate areas if we were not watching the tv but it does make us communicate with each other a lot less than we use to.

The one thing I do not like about our tv is how it is used by the government and media to basically try to put fear into the citizens. Every commercial for a news station is designed to put fear into your mind and make you tune in to see what is out to get you. It is ridiculous how much violence and scare tactics are used in order to try and grab ratings. Michael Moore spoke to this in one of his documentaries when he should a normal news day in Canada that was pleasant and had no stories to try and drive fear into people's minds. He also showed a correlation between the news and media being pleasant and the number of violent acts with firearms. Maybe if our media stopped this tactic, you would see a decrease in violent crimes.

The future of technology is one that I am fearful for. I don't know if it can survive in the future if every home has a DVR. Advertising and commercials are what keep the shows on our television from leaving. When companies look at data and see that everyone is starting to skip over the commercials, what is the point in investing money for the commercials. I could see it becoming like Pandora or Hulu where they only allow a number of skips or force you to watch a commercial before moving on in the broadcast.

I also think there will be a lot more focus on internet tv. There are already many people looking for a way to ditch cable or satellite and many companies are trying to seize the opportunity. With more and more people cutting the expense out of their lives, there will need to be more inventive ways to capture people's attention online.       

1 comment:

  1. you get a bit off track here. Stay focused on Displacement Theory. And you have the opportunity to develop and analyze that much more at the end in the last paragraph
